16-03-2006, 12:53 AM #1thomnguyenit91 Guest
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16-03-2006, 01:35 PM #2Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
持って行く : là đi để lấy cái gì (cái gì đó để ở chỗ khác, nên phải đi lấy), hoặc mang cái gì đi (cái gì đó ở tại chỗ nói, giờ mang đi chỗ khác), mang đi, đem đi
ví dụ:
Let me bring dessert
なんで?あんたがそんな失礼な態度 てるのに、どうして私がお茶持って かないといけないの?
Why? Why do I have to bring you a cup of tea when you are rude like that?
ギターを持って行きたいと思います 、いいでしょうか。
I would like to bring my guitar to Brisbane. Is this is ok?
ほら、傘持って行きなさい!今日は 降るわよ!
Here, take an umbrella with you. It's going to rain today
このラップトップは非常に軽くて小 いので、どこへ行く時も必ず持って きます
This laptop is so light and small that I carry it with me wherever I go.
持って来る : đi lấy 1 cái gì đó (để ở chổ khác) và mang lại chổ đang đứng nói, mang lại, đem lại, mang đến
ví dụ:
ええと、私が持って来たもの、見て パーティーのために、そう、ビール 何本か持ってきたの。
Well, look what I brought. I brought you some, yeah, some beer for the party
仕事の後になりますので、お酒を持 て来ても構いません。 ;《レ》
It will be after work, so you are allowed to bring alcohol.
Hurry up with that coffee.
何様のつもり?!王様か何か??自 で持って来なさい!
Who do you think you are, a king or something? Go get them by yourself!
外国人のスチュワーデスに、『コー ーお願いします』っていったのに、 ーラ持って来られてときって、結構 ショックだよね……
It's really a shock when I'm served a glass of coke by a foreign stewardess when I asked for coffee.
彼は、給仕係がメニューを持って来 のが遅いと、いつもプンプン怒る。
He always gets in a huff when the server is slow to bring the menu.
パーティーにブランデーを一瓶持っ 来る
bring a bottle of brandy to the party
16-03-2006, 01:36 PM #3Timemart26 Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
có mấy chỗ bị vấn đề về font, nên khi up lên hiện ra mã máy đọc không dược
16-03-2006, 03:18 PM #4Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
どうも ありがとう ございます。
18-03-2006, 09:08 PM #5Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
các bạn có biết cách nào phân biệt とても、よく、たくさん。làm ơn chỉ giùm. cám ơn
19-03-2006, 12:48 AM #6Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
@ とても: có nghĩa là rất, dùng để nhấn mạnh, nếu とても。。。ない thì nhấn mạnh yếu tố phủ định không đời nào, không bao giờ, khó mà...
ví dụ:
a whole bunch // and how // anything like // as [like, for] all get-out〈俗〉 // as ~ as anything // in a big way // in the worst way〈米話〉 // like the mischief // more than a little // only too // worst kind
【副】a lot // bad // beastly // big style〈話〉 // big time〈話〉 // conceivably // corking // cracking // critically // cruelly // devilishly // extremely // flipping // hugely // killingly // ludicrously // mad〈俗〉 // much // mucho〈スペイン語〉 // pretty // quite // real // screamingly // so // spanking // super // totally〈米俗〉 // unco〈スコット〉 // very // wicked〈俗〉
【副】awfully〔very のインフォーマルな言い方◆〈結び く形容詞〉hard, good, quiet, long, tough, nice, tired, close, glad, sorry, excited, difficult, well, hot, fast, kind, important〕
【副】blinking // perishing // whacking〈英話〉〔強調〕
【副】blooming〔強意語。bloody の婉曲語〕
【副】damned〔〈用法〉悪い意味にも い意味にも用いられる〕
【副】hella〈俗〉〔〈語源〉hell of a ~ の略。2000年頃からよく使われるよう なった〕
【副】most〔通常は the をつけない。比較の意味ではなく強 表現〕
とても70年代っぽく見えるね。君のお 母さんもそういった靴を履いていた もしれないな。
They look very '70s. Your mother might have worn shoes like that, too.◆全文を表示するには20000221を検
とても ;《強調》
とても ;《否定文で》
by any possibility
as ~ as sin // good and
desperately in need of
feel hardly like
as ~ as they come // as ~ as they make 'em // fine and
can hardly // can't possibly do // can't well
of a kind
not near // not nearly
【形】personified〔〈用法〉名詞 + personified◆〈参考〉evil personified ; kindness personified ; patience personified〕
not at all // not near // not nearly // not ~ possibly
【副】hardly // scarcely〔not より弱い否定〕
feel hardly like
anywhere near
not look a day over
とても〔=very much〕
【副】badly〔〈用法〉need, want などを修飾する◆〈結び付く動詞〉ne eded, damaged, needs, injured, beaten, hurt, wounded〕
とても[この上なく]好調[快調・ 子がいい]です。/最高の状態です
I couldn't be better.
I had a great time. {1} // I quite enjoyed it.
It was great fun.
これは誰もが読むべきとても[非常 ]価値のある本だ。
This is a very valuable book that should be read by everybody.
とても[非常に]厄介な[面倒な] とになっている。
It's become very troubling.
アートの案はとてもあいまいで、メ バーに対してほとんど影響力を持た い
Art's ideas are too vague and carry little weight among our members.
あなたはとてもあいまいに話してい ので、私は理解できません
You're speaking so amorphously that I can't understand you.
私は、とてもあなたの代わりにはな ません。
I'll never fill your shoes.
お越しいただいてとてもありがたく じます。/来ていただけて本当にう しく思います。
I'm so glad you could come by. // I'm so glad you could visit. // I'm so glad you looked me up. // I'm so glad you stopped by. // I'm so glad you took the trouble to look me up. // I'm so happy you looked me up.
【形】further-fetched〈俗〉〔far-fetched のさらに強い表現◆〈語源〉further + fetched〕
quite common
quite too // wicked good
うちの娘もたまにはピアノを練習し いるようだが、とてもいいかげんだ
Occasionally my daughter seems to practice the piano, but it's very loose.
このレストランは雰囲気はとてもい が、食事はあまりおいしくない。
This restaurant has a lot of atmosphere, but the food isn't very good.
That's very sweet.
彼女のダンスはとてもいい、だが大 功を収めるほどではないだろう
Her dancing is good, but it's not going to set the world on fire.
とてもいいです。/<100点満点の>80 点くらいです。
That's pretty good.◆成果などを評価するとき。
Very fetching.
そんな人が近くにいるなんてとても いですね。
It's so nice to have someone like that around.
(それは)とてもいいと思うよ。/ 晴らしいね。
I think it's great.
feel great about
have a delightful scent
ジョニーは歯並びがとてもいいので 今年のポスターのモデルである
Johnny is this year's poster boy because of his good teeth.
とてもいいのはコンピューターがだ だん小さくなっていきていることだ 。それに使い安くなってきているし 。
The really great thing is that computers are becoming smaller and smaller. And they're getting easier to use.◆全文を表示するには19990422を検
rattling good fellow
そうね、とてもいいわ。今晩あなた 私にかけた電話についてはどうです 、チャーリー?あなたは、私が女性 だからかけてきたのですか。
Dr. Pearl: Okay, very good. How about your call to me tonight, Charlie? Did you call me because I'm a woman?◆全文を表示するにはTELL0050を検 索
このカフェ、とてもいいわね。イン リアと音楽がくつろげる感じだし、 ラダもおいしそう。
This cafe is very nice. The decor and music are relaxing, and the salads look great.◆全文を表示するには20020821を検 索
I think it was a good start.
とてもいい映画を見たよ。『スプリ グ・アロー』っていうんだ。
I saw a great movie. It's called A Spring Arrow.◆全文を表示するには20020621を検 索
この場面はとてもいい感じに仕上が ており、同時に非常に官能的で解放 だ。
This scene was nicely done but very sensual and very open.
feel great
新製品の開発をXX社と共同で行うこと はとてもいい考えだと思います。 ;《レ》
I think it is a great idea to collaborate with XX Corporation to develop new products.
とてもいい考えね。少なくともそれ ら私たちにできるわ。
Excellent idea. It's the least we can do.◆全文を表示するには19990721を検索
クライスラーが担当した部分、つま スタイリングとシャーシ調整ですが そこで彼らはとてもいい仕事をして います。
In the parts that Chrysler did -- the styling and the chassis tuning -- they did a very good job.◆全文を表示するにはVOA-S006を検索
「有り難いわ」と彼女は言いました 「これでミルクやバターやチーズが 卓にたっぷり載るわ。とてもいい取 引だったわね」
"Thank heaven," said she. "Now we'll have lots of milk, butter, and cheese on the table. That was an excellent exchange."◆全文を表示するにはTANPEN01 検索
ふーむ。馬の代わりに雌牛か--そ ならとてもいい取引になりそうだ」 、農夫は心の中で思いました。
Hmm. The cow for the horse -- that would be a very good exchange," said the peasant to himself.◆全文を表示するにはTANPEN01を 索
There is a very good screening process.
living doll
誤解しないでください--彼らはと もいい人たちなんです。だけど、こ まであんな、あんな、ええと、ヤン キーたちがうちの近くに住んでいた とはなかったんです。
Don't get me wrong--they're very nice people. But we've never had such, such, well, Yankees living near us before.◆全文を表示するにはTELL0001を 索
be such a good person
短気な性格を除けば、彼はとてもい 人だ
He's a good person except he has a short temper.
He is a very nice person.
トムはとてもいい人なので批判的な とは言いたくないが、この件に関す 彼の対処は適当ではなかった
I hate to speak critically of Tom because he is a very nice person but his handling of the matter was not adequate.
彼は高校で演劇をする機会に恵まれ とてもいい先生と出会った。
He was fortunate to do plays in high school and had a very good teacher.
とてもいい線まで行ってるが今一息 いったところ
close but no cigar〈俗〉
私にはとてもいい組み合わせのよう 思える。
That sounds like a pretty good combination to me.
What a great piece of news!
in a really nice area of Tokyo called
lovely weather
今日は私にとってとてもいい日だっ 。
Today was a pretty good day for me.
be a great relief for stress
be great for the environment
really cool old clothes
うちの息子から目を離さないでくだ い。とてもいたずら好きなんです
Please keep an eye on my son; he is very naughty.
オンラインのクリスマスカードや年 状[ニューイヤーカード]は、とて いただけない。
Online Christmas and New Year's cards, just don't cut it.
彼はとてもうぬぼれが強い人物で、 べての女性に好かれていると思って る
He is such an egoist that he thinks all women love him.
ゲイルは漢字を書くのがとてもうま 。
Gail is very good at writing Chinese characters.
He is a pretty good skier.
とてもうまい言い方だね。/まさに のとおりだよ。
I couldn't have said it better.
ビデオゲームがとてもうまい人(agreatg ameplayer)
zap-meister / great game player〔〈参考〉meister ; zap the enemies〕
a real hand at
have a very good bedside manner
He is so manipulative.
get along extremely well
get along fine with
19-03-2006, 12:52 AM #7phutri Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
@ よく cũng là rất, hay, thường xuỵên,....dùng để nhấn mạnh
【副】nicely // often // well
many people have been telling [saying to] someone (that) // many people have told someone (that)
often complain that
There are stretches when
method is used commonly by
【助動】used to〔過去の習慣や長期的な反復行動を 表す〕
【自動】used〔〈参考〉used to〕
be given to doing
【助動】would〔人の特徴的な振る舞い や、よく起こる嫌な現象に言及して 話し手のいらだちを表す〕
be lucky enough to // have the good fortune to
make a success of
【助動】will〔〈用法〉肯定文で用い れ、頻度の副詞を伴うこともある◆ 過去の習慣を表す would の現在時制と考えられる〕
It's amazing how
be apt to say
be frequently misdiagnosed as
be often neglected by
歯切れよく〔態度・動作・話し方な が〕
Listen very carefully.
all-too-common announcement that
all-too-common misperception of
this all-too-common attitude
all-too-common approach to
all-too common bug
all-too-common mistake
all-too-common treatment
all-too-common answer to
all-too-common feeling
mistake that is easily made
all-too-common flaws
all-too-common view
all-too-common phenomenon
all-too-common tragedy
all-too-common question
all-too-common flaws
all-too-common reaction
19-03-2006, 12:56 AM #8toan3011 Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
@ たくさん nghĩa là nhiều, dùng để nhấn mạnh
a lot // bunch // butt-load // by the hundred // chunk // galore // half a dozen times // in a heap // in heaps // in plenty // in shoals // lashing // lot // lots // lump // mickle〈スコット古語〉 // mort // much // muchness // ocean // oodles // quiverful // scad // slew // to beat the band // volume
earful〔〈直訳〉耳の中がいっぱいに るもの〕
heap〔a heap of、heaps of の形で〕
【副】a great deal // aboundingly // galore // liberally // plenty
おいおい。/いいかげんにしてくれ 。/もうやめて。/もうたくさん。
Give me a rest.
「子育てって本当楽しい!もう1人欲 いわ!」「私は1人でもうたくさん 」
"Raising kids is so much fun! I want another one!" "One's enough for me!"◆主婦同士の会話
eat liberally of
~するには正当な[それ相応の]理 が数多く[たくさん]ある。
There are a lot of good reasons to
(that以下)を示す兆しが数多く[た さん]ある。
There are many signs that
家の建築[を建てるの]に派生する かかわってくる]仕事は数多く[た さん]ある。
There is a lot of work that goes into building a house.
健康面での利点はもちろん社会的な 点も数多く[たくさん]ある。
There are many social benefits as well as health ones.
私がシャネルのスーツを好きな理由 いろいろ[たくさん]ある。
There is a whole set of reasons why I like a Chanel suit.
私を助けてくれた[支援してくれた 人々がとても多く[たくさん]いた
There were a great many people helped me.
(that以下)と言う人が大勢[たくさ ]いる。
There are many people who say that
死刑は廃止すべきだと考えている人 大勢[たくさん]いる。
There are a lot of people who think that the death penalty should be abolished.
自分よりずっと若い友人が大勢[た さん]いる。
I have a lot of friends that are considerably younger than me.
退職後の人生をゴルフをしたりテレ を見たりするより学業[学問・勉学 にささげたいという年配の方々が大 勢[たくさん]いる。
There are many seniors who want to devote their retirements to learning rather than to golf or to watching TV.
両親が離婚した子供は大勢[たくさ ]いる。
Many kids have parents who are divorced.
enough of // have had it with
a whole mess of〔〈用法〉沢山あるもの全体を指す 言葉〕
nice bit // quite a little // smart few
that much
deuce of a lot
in increasing number
plenty more
No farther!
穴のたくさんあいた屋根に漏るなと っても駄目だ
You can't have a porous roof and not expect it to leak.
その映画には、殺人シーンがたくさ あった。
There is a lot of killing in the film.
その映画には事実と食い違う点がた さんあった。
There was a lot of departure from fact in the movie.
まだ明かりがついている窓がたくさ あった。
I saw a lot of windows with the lights still on.
I saw many signs of the earthquake.
進行中の問題がたくさんあったが、 日山場を越えた
There were a number of growing problems which came to a head yesterday.
ところが、その行為は全く思いがけ い効果をもたらした。おびただしい のろうそく(たくさんあったのだ) の光が、それまでベッドの支柱の暗 影にあって見えなかった、部屋の隅 まで当たるようになった。
But the action produced an effect altogether unanticipated. The rays of the numerous candles (for there were many) now fell within a niche of the room which had hitherto been thrown into deep shade by one of the bed-posts.◆全文を表示するにはTANPEN07を検 索
私がまだ10代で大人になる前、私たち ……私の高校ではいろいろなタイプ ファッションがたくさんあったわね
When I was a teenager growing up, we had ... in my high school we had many different types of fashion.◆全文を表示するには20000341を 索
I had plenty to eat.
私たちの経歴には共通点が多くて[ くさんあって]とにかく息[ウマ] 合うといった感じだ。
We share so many things in common in our background that it just kind of clicks.
正直顔はあばたを隠す。/見掛けが 実そうだと、その人に欠点がたくさ あっても隠れてしまう。
An honest look covers many faults.
一つ僕が本当にイライラするのは、 来語、つまり外国から入って来た言 がものすごくたくさんあって、僕は 、日本人がそれをいじったり、短く たり、それから新しい言葉を作った とかするのは気に入っているんだ。
The one thing that really annoys me is that there's so many of these gairaigo, these loan words, and I like the way the Japanese play with them and they shorten them and make new words from them.◆全文を表示するには20001253を検
人数が多いほど楽しいが、人数の少 い方がごちそうにたくさんありつけ 。
The more the merrier; the fewer the better fare.
趣味はたくさんあります。水泳が好 ですし、本を読むのも好きです。で 最近は、料理に凝ってます。 ;《レ》
I have a lot of hobbies. I like to swim, and I like to read books. But these days, I'm into [hooked on, crazy about] cooking.◆自己紹介
これが二つありますし、ほかにDJの、 とても有名なDJ、ファンク・マスター ・フレックスのために黒い革で作っ ばかりのものがたくさんあります。
There's two of these, and we have a group of them in black leather we just made for, uh, a DJ who's a very famous DJ, Funk Master Flex.◆全文を表示するには20010811を検
意識的に行う選択がたくさんありま 。
There are lots of conscious choices people make.
今月はこれから祝日がたくさんあり す。
There are lots of holidays coming up in this month.
次の段階に移る前に考えておくべき 項がたくさんあります。 ;《レ》
There are many factors we should think about before we proceed to the next phase.
島国なので、海水浴やつりといった ォータースポーツを楽しめる場所が くさんあります。
Because Japan is an island nation, there are many places to enjoy water sports such as swimming and fishing.
彼を採用することに関しては、まだ だ疑問点がたくさんあります。 ;《レ》
There are still a lot of question marks about hiring him.◆人事
We have a lot to talk about.
ここには障害者用の設備がたくさん りますね。
I have noticed a lot of facilities for the disabled here.
「この地域には神話や民話などがあ ますか」「ええもちろん。太古の昔 神様にまつわるお話がたくさんあり ますよ」
"Are there any myths or folk stories about this region?" "Yes indeed. There are many tales about gods and goddesses in primordial times."
19-03-2006, 12:57 AM #9toan3011 Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
Nếu Bạn Không Biết Tiếng Anh Thì Chỉ Cần Mở Từ điển Lạc Việt Lên, Sau đó Chỉ Chuột Vào Từ Cần Tra, Nhấp Chuột Phải Là Có Nghĩa Tiếng Vịet Ngay
19-03-2006, 10:34 PM #10hungrobot5678 Guest
Ðề: Xin giải thích dùm?
Nhân tiện phân biệt mấy từ này các bác phân biệt hộ em luôn cả từ たいへん nữa.
Các Chủ đề tương tự
Thành ngữ tiếng Nhật 9: Ếch Ngồi đáy Giếng
Bởi phamhiep trong diễn đàn TỪ VỰNGTrả lời: 1Bài viết cuối: 06-01-2012, 05:27 PM -
Tư vấn dùm em chọn trường tiếng tại Tokyo với!!!!
Bởi quyenseo1 trong diễn đàn DU HỌC NHẬT BẢNTrả lời: 2Bài viết cuối: 21-09-2011, 02:42 PM -
Dịch giấy tờ sang tiếng Nhật
Bởi camera123 trong diễn đàn CÁC VẤN ĐỀ CHUNG VỀ TIẾNG NHẬTTrả lời: 4Bài viết cuối: 18-09-2011, 02:33 PM -
Nhờ các bạn dịch dùm hướng dẫn sử dụng thuốc của Nhật.
Bởi trong diễn đàn DỊCH THUẬTTrả lời: 6Bài viết cuối: 12-03-2011, 01:16 AM -
Xem dùm NQ đoạn này với nhé ! (Dịch hợp đồng tiếng Nhật)
Bởi thekiss01 trong diễn đàn CÁC VẤN ĐỀ CHUNG VỀ TIẾNG NHẬTTrả lời: 6Bài viết cuối: 01-08-2010, 07:34 PM
Vòng đeo dương vật là một sản phẩm được quảng bá với khả năng duy trì thời gian cương cứng và mang đến khoái cảm dục tình cho nam giới lẫn phụ nữ. Tuy nhiên, theo khoa học, dạng vòng đeo Râu rồng...
Tìm hiểu về vòng đeo dương vật cho...